
We raise cattle because we love the lifestyle. The kids are now all grown up educated and onto their own careers. Thankfully they still don’t mind showing up on the occasional weekend to help out with the big chores like sorting and tagging and vaccinating. But the day to day ranching experiences remain ours and ours alone and they do translate into adventures from time to time.It’s a simple, honest and hard-working way of life…dedicated to the welfare of our most important commodity – our herd. Our purpose remains to raise a healthy crop of calves to eventually go to market whereby they enter the cycle of the food chain to eventually become the steak or hamburger on your plate.

Welcome to my ranching tales from the female perspective. I call it Flicka Rancher paying respect to my Scandinavian heritage. “Flicka” is Swedish for “girl” and this girl does have her share of experiences out here on the range. When you have 300 head of cattle on the place you know there are going to be some stories!!