
There comes a day when you just have to dress yourself up and head to town. And such a day happened this week. There was an early morning breakfast meeting in town featuring an inspirational entrepreneurial speaker. A farm girl has no trouble getting up at 5AM to get to town for a 6:30AM Meeting. I’m so glad I did too.We heard from Rachel Mielke, CEO and founder of Hillberg & Berk. Check out her website and you will see why I came away oh-so-inspired…

She not only crafts a line of enchanting and sparkly jewellery ( which she began humbly at her kitchen table in Saskatchewan), she is an enchanting gal in her own right and encourages us all to find our own inner sparkle.

And so, I came away from the breakfast meeting that morning inspired to find that inner sparkle and infuse positivity upon this ranch. This ranch where we toil and chore and struggle through droughts, extreme weather, BSE, political directives, regulations, consumer misconceptions, market prices and all the uncontrollables that drive this agricultural industry that is our livelihood.

What better way to signify this personal agenda than to get me some of this jewellery from Hillberg & Berk! I was thrilled to find out our own local jewellery store carries her collection and I could acquire some sparkle earrings right away. I love love love to shop local so big thanks to Vermilion Jewellers.

Her collection includes many many colours and shades but I chose vivid red…the color of empowerment, action, courage and determination. I find I have to count on these qualities out here on a daily basis.  My chore time attire of coveralls and Daniel Boone Hat will now be enhanced by my new red sparkle power “balls”. Because if a woman ever needed to be empowered, it’s those of us on the ranch working alongside their husbands and families as we care for and feed our animals in as safe and humane way as we possibly can.


Photo Challenge – Beloved


Of course, the second living being (beyond dear hubby!) that I thought of, after seeing this was the weekly photo challenge, was my dog. To clarify, that would be dogs we have now and dogs we’ve had that have since passed on. Our canine friends, companions and working partners on this ranch are absolutely our beloved treasures.  We could not function without them!
