Got My Cows Home

When the cows and their calves come home from their respective pastures around the area I feel relieved. No more 2-4 hour drives to check on them and wonder about them when we’re not around. But now….here they are and I have some work to do!!


Fencing never ends….always patching.


Chopping ice for water hole for my heifers.


Feeding grain.


But…they’re home…let the chores begin!


Not My Favorite Season

I’m not going to be too popular with a number of my friends and relatives with this post….those who happily anticipate the arrival of November 1 and the return to hunting season. Not my favourite season at all. I grew up with a dad and brothers who hunted every year and brought home deer, moose and elk for the freezer.  I even enjoy the taste of wild meat on the supper plate. Admittedly, that makes me a classic hypocrite….I confess.

I do regret though, that such beautiful and majestic animals must be brought down in the prime of their lives to satisfy the hunter. These beings have become my photographic passion….I absolutely come alive when a deer, elk, moose, bear, bird or coyote comes to me  through my viewfinder.


Subsequently, I joyfully took on the task this week of posting “No Hunting” signs along our property fence lines. I know – I know….this is not going to stop the sport but at least I feel like I am doing my part to perhaps save the life or lives of some of my favorite photographic subjects.


Isn’t it so much nicer to see a healthy, handsome and alive animal?
