Room With a View

During the frenetically-paced days of calving, my kitchen becomes my Room with a View. Just to the east of our yard is a small field where we have our cows living close-by. So here I can check on the girls while I do the dishes, prepare our rare meals, or even the more rare activity of baking. This site also is my head-quarters for record-keeping and tag-making. I so love my easterly view.



2 thoughts on “Room With a View

  1. This is so familiar to me Colleen. In the day we had a view from the kitchen table, plus if need be the other two windows along that side of the house. And binoculars made the difference for us too. We could tell the cow’s moods and were experts on pre-calving behavior. Thanks for the memory prompt. Liz

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    Yes, that is your life of contentment. Garth just called for a FT chat……nothing special. Just checking, I think, because I had mentioned feeling ‘down’ somewhat on Saturday, as weekends are now and then. The concert last night was quite classy……very high quality singing, etc. especially from the College. When both theirs and our church choir did numbers combined it was a very large impressive presentation. Also some percussion and violin in some numbers.

    Marjorie Anderson



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